Package 'GSD'

Title: Graph Signal Decomposition
Description: Graph signals residing on the vertices of a graph have recently gained prominence in research in various fields. Many methodologies have been proposed to analyze graph signals by adapting classical signal processing tools. Recently, several notable graph signal decomposition methods have been proposed, which include graph Fourier decomposition based on graph Fourier transform, graph empirical mode decomposition, and statistical graph empirical mode decomposition. This package efficiently implements multiscale analysis applicable to various fields, and offers an effective tool for visualizing and decomposing graph signals. For the detailed methodology, see Ortega et al. (2018) <doi:10.1109/JPROC.2018.2820126>, Shuman et al. (2013) <doi:10.1109/MSP.2012.2235192>, Tremblay et al. (2014) <>, and Cho et al. (2024) "Statistical graph empirical mode decomposition by graph denoising and boundary treatment".
Authors: Hyeonglae Cho [aut], Hee-Seok Oh [aut], Donghoh Kim [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Donghoh Kim <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.0.0
Built: 2025-03-08 02:29:36 UTC

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Weighted Adjacency Matrix


This function produces weighted adjacency matrix by Gaussian kernel.


adjmatrix(xy, method = c("dist", "neighbor"), alpha)



matrix or data.frame containing vertex coordinate x, y.


When method="dist", edge weights are calculated by Gaussian kernel for connecting vertices within distance alpha. When method="neighbor", edge weights are calcaulated by Gaussian kernel for connecting alpha neighboring vertices.


specifies distance between vertices when method="dist", and the number of neighboring vertices when method="neighbor".


This function produces a sparse weighted adjacency matrix by Gaussian kernel based on the distance between vertices.


a sparse weighted adjacency matrix


Zeng, J., Cheung, G., and Ortega, A. (2017). Bipartite approximation for graph wavelet signal decomposition. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 65(20), 5466–5480. doi:10.1109/TSP.2017.2733489

See Also

gsignal, gplot.


## define vertex coordinate
x <- y <- seq(0, 1, length=30)
xy <- expand.grid(x=x, y=y)

## weighted adjacency matrix by Gaussian kernel 
## for connecting vertices within distance 0.04
A1 <- adjmatrix(xy, method = "dist", 0.04) 

## weighted adjacency matrix by Gaussian kernel 
## for connecting seven neighboring vertices
A2 <- adjmatrix(xy, method="neighbor", 7)

Finding Local Extrema of a Graph Signal


This function finds the local extrema of a graph signal identifying the edge between neighboring vertices.


gextrema(ad_mat, signal)



an weighted adjacency matrix.


a graph signal.


This function finds the local extrema of a graph signal identifying the edge between neighboring vertices.



vertex index of local maxima of a signal.


vertex index of local minima of a signal.


the number of local maxima and local minima of a signal.


Tremblay, N., Borgnat, P., and Flandrin, P. (2014). Graph empirical mode decomposition. 22nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2350–2354.

See Also

ginterpolating, gsmoothing, sgemd.


#### example : composite of two components having different frequencies

## define vertex coordinate
x <- y <- seq(0, 1, length=30)
xy <- expand.grid(x=x, y=y)

## weighted adjacency matrix by Gaussian kernel 
## for connecting vertices within distance 0.04
A <- adjmatrix(xy, method = "dist", 0.04) 

## signal
# high-frequency component
signal1 <- rep(sin(12.5*pi*x - 1.25*pi), 30)

# low-frequency component
signal2 <- rep(sin(5*pi*x - 0.5*pi), 30)

# composite signal
signal0 <- signal1 + signal2

# noisy signal with SNR(signal-to-noise ratio)=5
signal <- signal0 + rnorm(900, 0, sqrt(var(signal0) / 5)) 

# graph with signal
gsig <- gsignal(vertex = cbind(xy, signal), edge = A, edgetype = "matrix")

# local extrema
gextrema(A, signal)

# local extrema using graph object
gextrema(as_adjacency_matrix(gsig, attr="weight"), V(gsig)$z)

Graph Fourier Decomposition


This function performs the graph Fourier decomposition.


gfdecomp(graph, K)



an igraph graph object with vertex attributes of coordinates x, y, a signal z, and edge attribute of weight.


specifies the number of frequency components.


This function performs the graph Fourier decomposition.



list of frequency components according to the frequencies with fc[[1]] the lowest-frequency component.


residue signal after extracting frequency components.


Ortega, A., Frossard, P., Kovačević, J., Moura, J. M. F., and Vandergheynst, P. (2018). Graph signal processing: overview, challenges, and applications. Proceedings of the IEEE 106, 808–828. doi:10.1109/JPROC.2018.2820126

Shuman, D. I., Narang, S. K., Frossard, P., Ortega, A., and Vandergheynst, P. (2013). The emerging field of signal processing on graphs: Extending high-dimensional data analysis to networks and other irregular domains. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 30(3), 83–98. doi:10.1109/MSP.2012.2235192

See Also



#### example : composite of two components having different frequencies

## define vertex coordinate
x <- y <- seq(0, 1, length=30)
xy <- expand.grid(x=x, y=y)

## weighted adjacency matrix by Gaussian kernel 
## for connecting vertices within distance 0.04
A <- adjmatrix(xy, method = "dist", 0.04) 

## signal
# high-frequency component
signal1 <- rep(sin(12.5*pi*x - 1.25*pi), 30)

# low-frequency component
signal2 <- rep(sin(5*pi*x - 0.5*pi), 30)

# composite signal
signal0 <- signal1 + signal2

# noisy signal with SNR(signal-to-noise ratio)=5
signal <- signal0 + rnorm(900, 0, sqrt(var(signal0) / 5)) 

# graph with signal
gsig <- gsignal(vertex = cbind(xy, signal), edge = A, edgetype = "matrix")

# display of absolute values of the graph Fourier coefficients vs the eigenvalues 
gftplot(gsig, K=5, size=3)
outgft <- gftplot(gsig, K=5, plot=FALSE)

# graph Fourier decomposition 
out <- gfdecomp(gsig, K=4)

# display of a signal, the extracted low- and high-frequency components by GFD
gplot(gsig, size=3) 
gplot(gsig, out$fc[[1]]+out$fc[[2]], size=3) 
gplot(gsig, out$fc[[3]]+out$fc[[4]], size=3)

Plot of the absolute values of the graph Fourier coefficients vs the eigenvalues


This function displays the absolute values of the graph Fourier coefficients vs the eigenvalues.


gftplot(graph, signal = NULL, K = NULL, size = 1, plot=TRUE)



an igraph graph object with vertex attributes of coordinates x, y, a signal z, and edge attribute of weight.


specifies a signal for the graph Fourier transform. When signal=NULL, a signal z of object graph is used.


specifies the number of frequency components.


specifies point size.


specifies whether plot is displayed.


This function displays the absolute values of the graph Fourier coefficients vs the eigenvalues for signal. The red color denotes the nonnegative graph Fourier coefficients, and the blue color indicates the negative graph Fourier coefficients.


If plot=TRUE, plot of the absolute values of the graph Fourier coefficients vs the eigenvalues for signal over a graph using package ggplot2. If plot=FALSE, a list with components:


the absolute values of the graph Fourier coefficients in decreasing order.


the eigenvalues according to the absolute values of the graph Fourier coefficients.

See Also

gsignal, gfdecomp.


#### example : composite of two components having different frequencies

## define vertex coordinate
x <- y <- seq(0, 1, length=30)
xy <- expand.grid(x=x, y=y)

## weighted adjacency matrix by Gaussian kernel 
## for connecting vertices within distance 0.04
A <- adjmatrix(xy, method = "dist", 0.04) 

## signal
# high-frequency component
signal1 <- rep(sin(12.5*pi*x - 1.25*pi), 30)

# low-frequency component
signal2 <- rep(sin(5*pi*x - 0.5*pi), 30)

# composite signal
signal0 <- signal1 + signal2

# noisy signal with SNR(signal-to-noise ratio)=5
signal <- signal0 + rnorm(900, 0, sqrt(var(signal0) / 5)) 

# graph with signal
gsig <- gsignal(vertex = cbind(xy, signal), edge = A, edgetype = "matrix")

# display a signal over graph
gplot(gsig, size=3) 

# display of absolute values of the graph Fourier coefficients vs the eigenvalues 
# for signal

gftplot(gsig, K=5, size=3)
out <- gftplot(gsig, K=5, plot=FALSE)

## signal3
# high-frequency component
signal11 <- c(outer(sin(6*pi*x - 0.5*pi), sin(6*pi*y - 0.5*pi)))

# low-frequency component
signal22 <- c(outer(sin(2*pi*x - 0.5*pi), sin(2*pi*y - 0.5*pi)))

# composite signal
signal00 <- signal11 + signal22

# noisy signal
signal3 <- signal00 + rnorm(900, 0, sqrt(var(signal00) / 5)) 

# display signal3 over graph
gplot(gsig, signal=signal3, size=3) 

# display of absolute values of the graph Fourier coefficients vs the eigenvalues 
# for signal3
gftplot(gsig, signal=signal3)
gftplot(gsig, signal=signal3, K=10, size=2)

Interpolation of a Graph Signal


This function interpolates a graph signal utilizing the Laplacian matrix.


ginterpolating(ad_mat, signal, vertices)



an weighted adjacency matrix.


a graph signal.


specifies vertices for the observed signal. A signal on vertices and Laplacian matrix is used for interpolating a signal outside vertices.


This function interpolates a graph signal utilizing the Laplacian matrix.


a signal with interpolated points.


Ortega, A., Frossard, P., Kovačević, J., Moura, J. M. F., and Vandergheynst, P. (2018). Graph signal processing: overview, challenges, and applications. Proceedings of the IEEE 106, 808–828. doi:10.1109/JPROC.2018.2820126

Shuman, D. I., Narang, S. K., Frossard, P., Ortega, A., and Vandergheynst, P. (2013). The emerging field of signal processing on graphs: Extending high-dimensional data analysis to networks and other irregular domains. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 30(3), 83–98. doi:10.1109/MSP.2012.2235192

Tremblay, N., Borgnat, P., and Flandrin, P. (2014). Graph empirical mode decomposition. 22nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2350–2354.

Zeng, J., Cheung, G., and Ortega, A. (2017). Bipartite approximation for graph wavelet signal decomposition. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 65(20), 5466–5480. doi:10.1109/TSP.2017.2733489

See Also

gextrema, gsmoothing, sgemd.


#### example : composite of two components having different frequencies

## define vertex coordinate
x <- y <- seq(0, 1, length=30)
xy <- expand.grid(x=x, y=y)

## weighted adjacency matrix by Gaussian kernel 
## for connecting vertices within distance 0.04
A <- adjmatrix(xy, method = "dist", 0.04) 

## signal
# high-frequency component
signal1 <- rep(sin(12.5*pi*x - 1.25*pi), 30)

# low-frequency component
signal2 <- rep(sin(5*pi*x - 0.5*pi), 30)

# composite signal
signal0 <- signal1 + signal2

# noisy signal with SNR(signal-to-noise ratio)=5
signal <- signal0 + rnorm(900, 0, sqrt(var(signal0) / 5)) 

# graph with signal
gsig <- gsignal(vertex = cbind(xy, signal), edge = A, edgetype = "matrix")

# local extrema using graph object
extremaout <- gextrema(as_adjacency_matrix(gsig, attr="weight"), V(gsig)$z)
maxima <- extremaout$maxima_list; minima <- extremaout$minima_list

# Interpolation of upper, lower and mean envelope
uenvelope <- ginterpolating(as_adjacency_matrix(gsig, attr="weight"), 
    V(gsig)$z, maxima)
lenvelope <- ginterpolating(as_adjacency_matrix(gsig, attr="weight"), 
    V(gsig)$z, minima) 
menvelope <- (uenvelope + lenvelope) / 2

# display a graph signal
gplot(gsig, size=3, legend=FALSE) 

# display mean envelope
gplot(gsig, menvelope, size=3, legend=FALSE)

Plot of a Graph Signal


This function displays a signal on a graph using a color palette.


gplot(graph, signal = NULL, size = 1, limits = range(V(graph)$z), 
    gpalette = NULL, legend = TRUE)



an igraph graph object with vertex attributes of coordinates x, y, a signal z, and edge attribute of weight.


specifies a signal to be displayed over object graph using a color palette. When signal=NULL, a signal z of object graph is used.


specifies point size of vertex.


specifies color palette limits.


specifies a character vector of color palette. When gpalette=NULL, c('#00008D', '#002AFF', '#00D4FF', '#2AFFD4', '#FFFF00', '#FF8D00', '#FF0000') is used as default palette.


if legend=FALSE, the legend is not included.


This function displays a signal on a graph using a color palette.


plot of a signal over a graph using package ggplot2.

See Also

gsignal, adjmatrix.


#### example : composite of two components having different frequencies

## define vertex coordinate
x <- y <- seq(0, 1, length=30)
xy <- expand.grid(x=x, y=y)

## weighted adjacency matrix by Gaussian kernel 
## for connecting vertices within distance 0.04
A <- adjmatrix(xy, method = "dist", 0.04) 

## signal
# high-frequency component
signal1 <- rep(sin(12.5*pi*x - 1.25*pi), 30)

# low-frequency component
signal2 <- rep(sin(5*pi*x - 0.5*pi), 30)

# composite signal
signal0 <- signal1 + signal2

# noisy signal with SNR(signal-to-noise ratio)=5
signal <- signal0 + rnorm(900, 0, sqrt(var(signal0) / 5)) 

# graph with signal
gsig <- gsignal(vertex = cbind(xy, signal), edge = A, edgetype = "matrix")

# display a signal over graph with legend
gplot(gsig, size=3, legend=TRUE) 

# display a signal over graph without legend
gplotout <- gplot(gsig, size=3, legend=FALSE) 

# adding labels using ggplot2 package
gplotout + 
    plot.title=element_text(hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0)) + 
    labs(x="x", y="y", title="visualization of a composite signal")

# deleting axis title, text and ticks using ggplot2 package
gplotout + 

# display high-frequency component
gplot(gsig, signal1, size=3, legend=FALSE) 

# display low-frequency component
gplot(gsig, signal2, size=3, legend=FALSE)

Graph Object with a Signal


This function constructs an igraph graph object with several vertex and edge attributes.


gsignal(vertex, edge, edgetype = c("matrix", "list"))



matrix or data.frame containing vertex information. The first two columns are vertex coordinate x, y, and the third column is a signal z on each vertex.


When edgetype="matrix", a square weighted adjacency matrix. This can be a sparse matrix created with Matrix package. When edgetype="list", matrix or data.frame of edge list with three columns. The first two columns are edge lists and the third column is an edge weight.


edges and weights information are provided by "matrix" or "list".


This function constructs an igraph graph object with vertex and edge attributes.


an igraph graph object. The vertex attributes are vertex coordinate x, y, and a signal z on each vertex. The edge attribute is weight. These vertex and edge attributes can be identified by names(vertex_attr()) and names(edge_attr()), and are accessible by V(), E(), as_edgelist(), as_adjacency_matrix() or other igraph functions.

See Also

adjmatrix, gplot.


#### example : composite of two components having different frequencies

## define vertex coordinate
x <- y <- seq(0, 1, length=30)
xy <- expand.grid(x=x, y=y)

## weighted adjacency matrix by Gaussian kernel 
## for connecting vertices within distance 0.04
A <- adjmatrix(xy, method = "dist", 0.04) 

## signal
# high-frequency component
signal1 <- rep(sin(12.5*pi*x - 1.25*pi), 30)

# low-frequency component
signal2 <- rep(sin(5*pi*x - 0.5*pi), 30)

# composite signal
signal0 <- signal1 + signal2

# noisy signal with SNR(signal-to-noise ratio)=5
signal <- signal0 + rnorm(900, 0, sqrt(var(signal0) / 5)) 

# graph with signal
gsig <- gsignal(vertex = cbind(xy, signal), edge = A, edgetype = "matrix")

# vertex and edge attribute
names(vertex_attr(gsig)); names(edge_attr(gsig))

# edge list
# as_edgelist(gsig, name=FALSE)

# weighted adjacency matrix
# as_adjacency_matrix(gsig, attr="weight")

# display a noisy graph signal 
gplot(gsig, size=3)

# display a composite graph signal 
gplot(gsig, signal0, size=3)

# display high-frequency component
gplot(gsig, signal1, size=3)

# display low-frequency component
gplot(gsig, signal2, size=3)

Smoothing a Graph Signal


This function denoises a graph signal.


gsmoothing(ad_mat, signal)



an weighted adjacency matrix.


a graph signal.


This function denoises a graph signal utilizing the graph Fourier transform and empirical Bayes thresholding.


a denoised signal.


Ortega, A., Frossard, P., Kovačević, J., Moura, J. M. F., and Vandergheynst, P. (2018). Graph signal processing: overview, challenges, and applications. Proceedings of the IEEE 106, 808–828. doi:10.1109/JPROC.2018.2820126

Shuman, D. I., Narang, S. K., Frossard, P., Ortega, A., and Vandergheynst, P. (2013). The emerging field of signal processing on graphs: Extending high-dimensional data analysis to networks and other irregular domains. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 30(3), 83–98. doi:10.1109/MSP.2012.2235192

Johnstone, I. and Silverman, B.~W. (2004). Needles and straw in haystacks: empirical Bayes estimates of possibly sparse sequences. The Annals of Statistics, 32, 594–1649. doi:10.1214/009053604000000030

See Also

gextrema, ginterpolating, sgemd.


#### example : composite of two components having different frequencies

## define vertex coordinate
x <- y <- seq(0, 1, length=30)
xy <- expand.grid(x=x, y=y)

## weighted adjacency matrix by Gaussian kernel 
## for connecting vertices within distance 0.04
A <- adjmatrix(xy, method = "dist", 0.04) 

## signal
# high-frequency component
signal1 <- rep(sin(12.5*pi*x - 1.25*pi), 30)

# low-frequency component
signal2 <- rep(sin(5*pi*x - 0.5*pi), 30)

# composite signal
signal0 <- signal1 + signal2

# noisy signal with SNR(signal-to-noise ratio)=5
signal <- signal0 + rnorm(900, 0, sqrt(var(signal0) / 5)) 

# graph with signal
gsig <- gsignal(vertex = cbind(xy, signal), edge = A, edgetype = "matrix")

# local extrema using graph object
extremaout <- gextrema(as_adjacency_matrix(gsig, attr="weight"), V(gsig)$z)
maxima <- extremaout$maxima_list; minima <- extremaout$minima_list

# Interpolation of upper, lower and mean envelope
uenvelope <- ginterpolating(as_adjacency_matrix(gsig, attr="weight"), 
  V(gsig)$z, maxima)
lenvelope <- ginterpolating(as_adjacency_matrix(gsig, attr="weight"), 
  V(gsig)$z, minima) 

# smoothing upper, lower and mean envelope
suenvelope <- gsmoothing(A, uenvelope)
slenvelope <- gsmoothing(A, lenvelope) 

smenvelope <- (suenvelope + slenvelope) / 2

# display a graph signal
gplot(gsig, size=3, legend=FALSE) 

# display mean envelope
gplot(gsig, smenvelope, size=3, legend=FALSE)

Seoul Subway Ridership Data


This igraph graph object represents the number of subway passengers in Seoul, Korea for January 2021. Consider the subway stations as vertices and railroads between the stations as the edges. The number of passengers for each station is regarded as the graph signal. Seoul subway ridership data can be obtained at




igraph graph object. The vertex attributes are longitude x, latitude y, and the number of passengers z for each station.



# attributes
names(vertex_attr(gsubway)); names(edge_attr(gsubway)); names(graph_attr(gsubway))

# standardizing the graph signal
V(gsubway)$z <- c(scale(V(gsubway)$z))
# statistical graph empirical mode decomposition (SGEMD) with boundary treatment
out <- sgemd(gsubway, nimf=1, smoothing=TRUE, boundary=TRUE, connweight="graph")

# display of a signal, denoised signal by SGEMD
gplot(gsubway, size=3) 
gplot(gsubway, out$residue, size=3)

Statistical Graph Empirical Mode Decomposition


This function performs statistical graph empirical mode decomposition.


sgemd(graph, nimf, smoothing = FALSE, smlevels = c(1),  
    boundary = FALSE, reflperc = 0.3, reflaver = FALSE, 
    connperc = 0.05, connweight = "boundary", 
    tol = 0.1^3, max.sift = 50, verbose = FALSE)



an igraph graph object with vertex attributes of coordinates x, y, a signal z, and edge attribute of weight.


specifies the maximum number of intrinsic mode functions (IMF).


specifies whether intrinsic mode functions are constructed by interpolating or smoothing envelopes. When smoothing =TRUE, denoise envelopes utilizing the graph Fourier transform and empirical Bayes thresholding.


specifies which level of the IMF is obtained by smoothing other than interpolation.


When boundary=TRUE, a given graph is reflected for boundary treatment.


expand a graph by adding specified percentage of a graph at the boundary when boundary=TRUE.


specifies the method assigning signal to reflected vertices. When reflaver=TRUE, the signal on reflected vertices is produced by averaging signals on neighboring vertices on a given graph. Otherwise, signal on reflected vertices is the same to the signal on a given graph.


specifies percentage of a graph for connecting a given graph and reflected graph when boundary=TRUE.


specifies the method assigning the edge weights for connecting a given graph and reflected graph when boundary=TRUE. The edge weights are calculated by Gaussian kernel considering the relative distance between vertices. When connweight="graph", the relative distance is calculated based on the maximum distance of all the neighboring edges of a given graph. When connweight="boundary", the relative distance is calculated based on the maximum distance of the connected vertices between a given graph and reflected graph.


tolerance for stopping rule of sifting.


the maximum number of sifting.


specifies whether sifting steps are displayed.


This function performs statistical graph empirical mode decomposition utilizing extrema detection of a graph signal.



list of IMF's according to the frequencies with imf[[1]] the highest-frequency IMF.


residue signal after extracting IMF's.


the number of IMF's.


Each row specifies the number of local maxima and local minima of the remaining signal after extracting the i-th IMF. The first row represents the number of local maxima and local minima of a given signal.


Huang, N. E., Shen, Z., Long, S. R., Wu, M. C., Shih, H. H., Zheng, Q., Yen, N.- C., Tung, C. C., and Liu, H. H. (1998). The empirical mode decomposition and the Hilbert spectrum for nonlinear and non-stationary time series analysis. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 454(1971), 903–-995. doi:10.1098/rspa.1998.0193

Johnstone, I. and Silverman, B.~W. (2004). Needles and straw in haystacks: empirical Bayes estimates of possibly sparse sequences. The Annals of Statistics, 32, 594–1649. doi:10.1214/009053604000000030

Kim, D., Kim, K. O., and Oh, H.-S. (2012a). Extending the scope of empirical mode decomposition by smoothing. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2012, 1–17. doi:10.1186/1687-6180-2012-168

Kim, D., Park, M., and Oh, H.-S. (2012b). Bidimensional statistical empirical mode decomposition. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 19(4), 191–194. doi:10.1109/LSP.2012.2186566

Ortega, A., Frossard, P., Kovačević, J., Moura, J. M. F., and Vandergheynst, P. (2018). Graph signal processing: overview, challenges, and applications. Proceedings of the IEEE 106, 808–828. doi:10.1109/JPROC.2018.2820126

Shuman, D. I., Narang, S. K., Frossard, P., Ortega, A., and Vandergheynst, P. (2013). The emerging field of signal processing on graphs: Extending high-dimensional data analysis to networks and other irregular domains. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 30(3), 83–98. doi:10.1109/MSP.2012.2235192

Tremblay, N., Borgnat, P., and Flandrin, P. (2014). Graph empirical mode decomposition. 22nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2350–2354

Zeng, J., Cheung, G., and Ortega, A. (2017). Bipartite approximation for graph wavelet signal decomposition. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 65(20), 5466–5480. doi:10.1109/TSP.2017.2733489

See Also

gextrema, gsmoothing, ginterpolating.


#### example : composite of two components having different frequencies

## define vertex coordinate
x <- y <- seq(0, 1, length=30)
xy <- expand.grid(x=x, y=y)

## weighted adjacency matrix by Gaussian kernel 
## for connecting vertices within distance 0.04
A <- adjmatrix(xy, method = "dist", 0.04) 

## signal
# high-frequency component
signal1 <- rep(sin(12.5*pi*x - 1.25*pi), 30)

# low-frequency component
signal2 <- rep(sin(5*pi*x - 0.5*pi), 30)

# composite signal
signal0 <- signal1 + signal2

# noisy signal with SNR(signal-to-noise ratio)=5
signal <- signal0 + rnorm(900, 0, sqrt(var(signal0) / 5)) 

# graph with signal
gsig <- gsignal(vertex = cbind(xy, signal), edge = A, edgetype = "matrix")

# graph empirical mode decomposition (GEMD) without boundary treatment
out1 <- sgemd(gsig, nimf=3, smoothing=FALSE, boundary=FALSE)

# denoised signal by GEMD 
dsignal1 <- out1$imf[[2]] + out1$imf[[3]] + out1$residue

# statistical graph empirical mode decomposition (SGEMD) with boundary treatment
out2 <- sgemd(gsig, nimf=3, smoothing=TRUE, boundary=TRUE)

# denoised signal by SGEMD 
dsignal2 <- out2$imf[[2]] + out2$imf[[3]] + out2$residue

# display of a signal, denoised signal, imf2, imf3 and residue by SGEMD
gplot(gsig, size=3) 
gplot(gsig, dsignal2, size=3) 
gplot(gsig, out2$imf[[2]], size=3) 
gplot(gsig, out2$imf[[3]], size=3) 
gplot(gsig, out2$residue, size=3)